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Camp FAQs

  • Camp Photography
    Photographs and videos will be taken during the week as part of the activities, and some of these may be used in the promotion of the Camp.
  • When and how do I make payments?
    All payments are required by 30th June 2024. Please pay by bank transfer or deposit to: ALTE Project S/Code: 60-15-16 Account No: 64021424 Use the delegate name as reference.
  • Camp Rules
    For RCCG Europe Teens Youth Summer Camp 2024 to run SAFELY and SMOOTHLY, the following rules must be followed: The allocation of rooms will be by age and are final. Only the main site entrances will be used. If anyone comes into the camp with cigarettes or e-cigarettes, alcohol, non-prescription drugs or dangerous weapons, they would be required to leave the site immediately. All medicines are to be handed to the First Aider on arrival. Mobile phone usage on the site is restricted. RCCG Teens Summer Camp cannot accept responsibility for loss, damaged personal equipment or clothing.
  • Is there transportation arrangement for camp?
    Every camp participant is expected to arrange their transportation to the camp venue for 4pm check-in time on the first day. However, a shuttle arrangement from the train station to the camp venue has been arranged. Shuttle bus services would run from 3.30pm from the train station on Tuesday 27th August 2024. Check out time on Saturday 31st August 2024 is 12pm.
  • What are the arrival and departure times?
    Check in time on Tuesday 27th August 2024 is 4pm. Check out time on Saturday 31st August 2024 is 12pm.
  • Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notice
    The processing of personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation, (“GDPR”). This new data protection regulation became effective from 25th May 2018. You can access our 'Privacy Notice' via the RCCG UK Teens website.
  • How do I register?
    Due to high demand, REGISTRATION IS CURRENTLY CLOSED. If you wish to attend RCCG Europe Teens Youth Summer Camp 2024, you’ll be added to the waiting list. Please send an email to
  • Do youth leaders from churches coming with their youths have to pay?
    Yes, the youth leaders would be required to pay as it is at a discounted price. There is a free volunteer space with every 15 youths registered from a particular church.
  • Can a parent request a refund if their child opts out or decides not to go to camp?
    Payment is non-refundable as the camp is offered at cost price to keep the fees low and enable as many as possible to attend. They may transfer their place to someone else if they wish, in which case, they will need to send an email to that effect and the new person will need to complete the registration form.
  • I have a child who is 12 years old that will want to come with their sibling. Can they come?
    For safeguarding purposes, this camp is catering for only 13–18-year-olds. 12-year-olds and younger would not be able to attend.
  • Following my church booking for the camp, do I really need to send an email?
    Yes, you do, and the email address to send to is with evidence of payment.
  • What happens after registration?
    Once your registration has been acknowledged by email, you will be sent further details before RCCG Europe Teens Youth Summer Camp 2024. Information includes: Transport times and pick-up points What to bring to camp
  • If young people are hungry before mealtimes while on camp what do they do? Is there a place at camp for young people to purchase snacks?
    There will be a tuck shop opened daily which the youths can buy snacks from.
  • Can I stay with my friends and share the same room with them?
    We cannot guarantee it but where possible we would seek to keep church groups together. However, the purpose of camp is to make friends and network.
  • How does accommodation and meal arrangements work on camp? Would meals be provided at camp?
    Full accommodation is provided with 3 meals a day – breakfast, lunch, and dinner but there is a day that all are encouraged to fast.
  • What types of accommodation exists?
    There is a range of configuration of rooms. The maximum number of beds in a dormitory is 12 with a suitable ratio of toilet and bathroom facilities.
  • What are the Health and Safety arrangements made while on camp?
    A risk assessment has been conducted. We will have first aiders and medical officials present at the camp.
  • Do I need to bring my own beddings?
    Given that this camp is provided at a highly discounted price, please bring your bedsheet, pillowcases and duvet covers.

Essential Items to Bring

Having the following items are essential for a comfortable and enjoyable camp experience.


Jesus and Me Kit

  • Bible (youth friendly version)

  • Notepad and pen

  • Personal Bible study notes on 1 Timothy 4:12-16

  • Gift/Talent (Ready to be Discovered, Developed and Used)


Sleep and Body Care

  • Sleeping bag, duvet or warm blanket

  • Pillow and pillowcase

  • Toiletries (bathing and teeth)

  • Towel / Dressing gown

  • Body lotion / Skin care

  • Medications / Instructions (if applicable)


Outfits and Shoes

  • T-shirts / Hoodies / Sweatshirts

  • Jogging bottoms and jeans

  • Trainers / Comfortable shoes

  • Banquet outfit (modest attire)

  • Smart footwear

  • Flip flops / Sandals



  • Spending money for the tuck shop and merchandise (E.g. £10 for T-Shirt for Sports Day)

  • Any other thing your child needs for his/her day-to-day livelihood.



Please do not bring expensive or valuable items to camp as we cannot be responsible for any loss or damage. This includes iPads, laptops, and gaming consoles. We also encourage leaving mobile phones at home where possible as the use of mobile phones will be restricted while on camp to encourage full engagement and reduce distractions.

Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to seeing registered young people and youth workers at the camp.


RCCG Europe Central Office
Redemption House

Gunnels Wood Park
Gunnels Wood Road



© 2024 RCCG UK Teens


Contact us for more information about events and activities.


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